Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines for Submitting Manuscript to Acceleron Aerospace Journal
Formatting Guidelines:
- Font: All text should be in Times New Roman font.
- Title: Use font size 18 and capitalize the first letter of each word in the title.
- Author Names: Use font size 10 for listing the names of all authors.
- Affiliation: Provide the designation, college/university/institution name, full address, country, and pincode for each author.
- ORCID ID: Include the ORCID ID of each author in the format 0000-0000-0000-0000.
- Keep the abstract font size at 10.
- Provide a concise and informative summary of the article's main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
Table of Contents:
- Create a comprehensive table of contents that lists all main topics and subtopics with their corresponding page numbers.
Acronyms and Subscripts:
- Clearly define any acronyms used in the article.
- Properly format and use subscripts throughout the text when necessary.
First Page Footer:
- Add a footer on the first page containing author affiliations with their designations, college/university/institution names, full addresses, countries, and pincodes.
- Begin the introduction with the first letter capitalized, followed by lowercase letters in Times New Roman font with font size 10.
- Provide an engaging introduction to the article, highlighting the importance of the research and the objectives.
Section Numbering:
- Number main sections with a single digit followed by a period (e.g., 1.).
- Number subsections with two digits separated by a period (e.g., 1.1.).
Figure Description:
- Caption figures with a clear and descriptive title in the format "Figure 1: Figure Description".
- Provide comprehensive explanations of figures to aid understanding.
- Label equations using the format "Eq(1)", "Eq(2)", and so on.
- Clearly explain the meaning and significance of each equation in the text.
- Use bullet numbers [1], [2], etc., for in-text citations.
- Follow APA Style for referencing and include the DOI or DOI link where applicable.
Biography of Author:
- Include a brief biography of each author, highlighting their academic background and areas of expertise.
- Acknowledge individuals or organizations that contributed to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship.
Funding Resources:
- Disclose any funding sources that supported the research.
Conflict of Interest:
- Declare any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research outcomes.
Data Availability or Data Source:
- Specify the availability of data or the source from which the data was obtained.
Image or Figure Courtesy:
- If using images or figures from external sources, provide proper credit and permission information.
Supplementary Resources (if any):
- If applicable, include supplementary materials, such as additional data or multimedia content, to enhance the article's content.
Following these detailed guidelines ensures the clarity, consistency, and integrity of articles submitted to Acceleron Aerospace Journal. Authors are encouraged to thoroughly review and adhere to these guidelines before submitting their manuscripts for publication. For any further inquiries or assistance, authors can reach out to our dedicated editorial team