Robotic Exploration of Europa's Subsurface with Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV): A Comprehensive Mission Concept and Design




Space Exploration, Unmanned Missions, Europa Exploration, European Subsurface Exploration, Autonomous, Underwater Vehicle, Europa Lander


Next-generation space explorers are keen to identify potential bio signatures on other planets and extraterrestrial bodies. So, we have explored Moon and Mars with scientific landers and rovers which transmitted lots of data for exploration beyond earth's orbit. In this scenario, Europa a moon of Jupiter holds a potential site for biological exploration and detection of bio signatures. In addition, spacecraft have identified that the moon is ejecting water vapor into the surface wherein it could hold all the possible elements to support life under the surface. Going forward, orbiters and landers might produce inaccurate results with spectroscopic analysis and imaging techniques, and it is significant to deploy bots or penetrators into the surface for deep investigation and analysis. Therefore, in this paper, we intend to develop and deploy an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) for detecting biological signs and to do numerous biological investigations. Studying Europa's water and its interactions with the moon's icy crust provides valuable insights into the potential habitability of icy worlds and the possibilities for life beyond Earth and that exclusively is the work of our AUV. This project can also help further researches on this moon of Jupiter. The AUV will be deployed into the surface via a lander which will act as a ground command for further operation and data transmission. Further, we have planned to develop a 3D model and simulate its operation in upcoming years. Finally, the objective of this mission might provide useful insights for a future manned exploration missions to Europa considering the complete challenges.


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Author Biography

Rithanya B, Intern, Acceleron Aerospace, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560037

Rithanya is an up-and-coming researcher in the fields of space exploration and biotechnology. Currently interning at Acceleron Aerospace, she has shown an unwavering passion for her work and a drive to succeed. Rithanya is particularly interested in the intersection between space research and biotechnology, and hopes to make groundbreaking discoveries in this area. In 2022, Rithanya won the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Content held nationally in India, showcasing her impressive problem-solving skills and technical abilities. Her dedication to her work has earned her accolades and recognition in the scientific community, and she is now looking for opportunities to continue her research and publish her findings in academic journals. Rithanya's innovative ideas and tireless work ethic make her a rising star in the field of space research and biotechnology, and she is sure to make significant contributions to these fields in the years to come.




How to Cite

B, R. (2023). Robotic Exploration of Europa’s Subsurface with Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV): A Comprehensive Mission Concept and Design. Acceleron Aerospace Journal, 1(2), 35–38.